Tutor LMS 2.0 is a major change for our existing users who were using the industry-standard plugin to create their online learning management system. This...
As you might know, Tutor LMS 2.0 is already released and we are overwhelmed by the amazing response by the LMS enthusiasts who have trusted...
We are really excited to see your reaction to the latest Tutor LMS 2.0 release. We are hoping that with the latest release, you will...
Firstly, we want to thank our users who helped us along the way to make the transition from Tutor LMS 1.x to Tutor LMS 2.x...
Success in the eLearning industry is not as simple as putting up an online course, even if it’s spectacular. Often, newly minted courses end up...
A slow site is an ignored site. An eLearning business’s front door is the website that it boasts. The focus then should be for the...
The concept of gaming seems unrelated to learning but the phrase ‘Gamification in Education’ has been the talk of the town so to speak for...
Hello to all the Oxygen fans and users out there from the Tutor LMS team. It’s been some time since we published an update. You...
Tutor LMS 2.0 started strong and paved the way for redefining LMS in WordPress. We’re truly overwhelmed by the love and support you’ve showered Tutor...
As an instructor, you’ve probably come up with dozens of quiz questions during your teaching career but at some point, you might feel like repeating...
Are you tired of taking online classes in the same way, day in and day out? Do your students lack enthusiasm or interest? Well, don’t...
We are excited about the newly released WordPress 5.9 as it brings a lot of requested features. It comes with many quality of life improvements...